Brexit a load of bollocks?
Start to seem that way, does it not? But, before Brexit turned into the Mother of all Messes, I was, dare I say it, quite happy with the vote. Where other people saw racism and small-mindedness, I rejoiced in the Great Nation of Punk’s two fingers up to a smug EU which, institutionally arrogant, didn’t even have a get-out clause until 2009.
“Don’t fucking tell us what to do”, shouted the people who don’t normally make a fuzz. Fun it was!
Somewhat less amusing now, however. I even joined the march for another referendum in London on March 23. It was jolly, if maybe not very diverse. And when the DJ played “Love will tear us apart”, accompanied by an enthusiastic brass band that trotted alongside, I, yet again, felt love and admiration for this eccentric country.

I voted to stay out. In Sweden back in the

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