When everyone talks with one voice – You should get suspicious.
As of healthcare, Johnson and Corbyn, and most others, don’t seem to be able to say anything else than “more money to the NHS.”
Holy cows are subjects that have, for whatever reason, become so charged that a free and open-minded discussion is impossible.
Through letting emotions rule over reason, they are distorting the view. Feeding on fear and thriving in intellectual laziness, they fight opportunity and hate curiosity. Holy cows differ but they can usually be recognised through the inability of people, interest groups and media to discuss them without resorting to emotional behaviour and reactions.
The NHS doesn’t need more money, it needs a radical rethink.
In Britain, it’s as easy to have an open-minded discussion about the NHS as it’s to have one about refugees in Sweden or abortion in the USA. Not very.
Only people who haven’t got a career or an election to lose dare share innovative, challenging or simply intelligent thoughts on the subject. Like Richard Smith, former editor of the British Medical Journal, in the Economist, December 7th: “The NHS doesn’t need more money, it needs a radical rethink.”
Now, you’d never hear a politician say that.
Thank you David,
Are you voting in Britten?
The NHS has been limping for a long time now, it’s needs a radical management change and a massive financial injection and soon! It’s very worrying to hear reports of its failings as well as experiencing difficulty getting doctors ‘appointments. It’s a very sad state of affairs…
Lucy xx